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  • Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm

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A School of the Sacred Heart

Academic Enrichment & Extension

Stuartholme aims to develop the potential of each student by providing a pathway that acknowledges their individual gifts and talents. At Stuartholme, the Director of Enrichment oversees policies and practices for the identification, teaching, and assessment of high potential students.

Individual Learning Plans

The unique characteristics of each student inform decisions about how the curriculum should be modified for high potential students. In this process the Director of Enrichment works collaboratively with the Leaders of Learning and teachers, Co-curricular Coordinators and Program Leaders to develop an Individual Learning Plan to ensure the most beneficial modifications to curriculum programs are made and that challenging co-curricular options are available to high achieving students. Modifications may include subject acceleration and telescoping, curriculum compacting, extension within age group classes, use of project-based learning, independent studies, extension in co-curricular activities, mentoring and real-world immersion experiences.


Differentiation refers to modifications of the curriculum to meet the learning need of students. For high potential students, content may be offered at a greater depth or at a more complex level or there may be a greater focus on higher order thinking, real world applications or a choice about the way mastery of learning is demonstrated may be offered to students.


Acceleration is another way to provide for high potential students. In general, acceleration refers to any approach that results in students moving through the curriculum at a faster pace. Typically, high potential students may be accelerated in particular subjects either by sending the student to a higher year level for study or by bringing materials from a higher year level into the students current class. Skipping a year level is another less commonly used approach to acceleration.

Enrichment Activities

Stuartholme offers a wide range of enrichment activities that all student can access. These include competitions, special programs, and out-of-school learning opportunities. For high potential students these present opportunities to strive for personal excellence and interact with other high achieving students. Co-curricular enrichment activities suitable for high potential students include:

  • Queensland Debating Competition
  • Future Problem Solving
  • QHTA History Writing Competition and Simpson prize
  • STEM Horizons (Griffith University)
  • STEM Cup (Griffith University)
  • ATOM 1-minute film competitions
  • Planning Institute of Australia Awards for Planning Excellence
  • ICAS Competitions
  • International Mathematics Modelling
  • QUT STEM Internships
  • QUT Stem Workshops
  • Literary competition’s such as the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Competition
  • Art Prizes such as the Young Archies


For more information on Stuartholme’s Co-Curricular Enrichment Program please click here

Enrolling at Stuartholme

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